Danny Cokey Tell Your Heart to Beat Again Chords

Participation dance

People doing the Hokey Cokey in Pickering at their annual Wartime Weekend

The Hokey Cokey (United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, and the Caribbean) likewise known equally Hokey Pokey (Due south Africa, United states, Canada, Commonwealth of australia, and Israel)[i] is a campfire vocal and participation trip the light fantastic toe with a distinctive accompanying tune and lyric structure. It is well known in English-speaking countries. It originates in a British folk trip the light fantastic, with variants attested as early as 1826. The song and accompanying dance peaked in popularity as a music hall song and novelty trip the light fantastic in the mid-1940s in the UK. The song became a chart hit twice in the 1980s. The first UK hit was by the Snowmen, which peaked at UK No. 18 in 1981.

Origins and pregnant [edit]

Despite several claims of a recent invention, numerous variants of the song exist with similar dances and lyrics dating back to the 19th century. One of the earlier variants, with a very like dance to the modern one, is establish in Robert Chambers' Popular Rhymes of Scotland from 1842[two]

the words there are given as
Fal de ral la, fal de ral la:
Hinkumbooby, round about;
Right hands in, and left hands out,
Hinkumbooby, circular about;
Fal de ral la, fal de ral la.[iii]

A later variant of this vocal is the Shaker song "Hinkum-Booby", which had more similar lyrics to the modern song and was published in Edward Deming Andrews' A souvenir to be simple in 1940: (p. 42).[4]

A song rendered ("with advisable gestures") by two sisters from Canterbury, England while on a visit to Bridgewater, N.H. in 1857 start an "English/Scottish ditty" thus:
I put my right paw in,
I put my right mitt out,
In out, in out.
milkshake it all about.
Equally the song continues, the "left manus" is put in, and so the "right foot," and so the "left foot," and then "my whole head." . . . [I]t does not seem to accept been much used in Shaker societies.

A version known every bit "Ugly Mug" is described in 1872:[5]

I put my correct hand in
I put my right paw out
I give my right paw, milkshake, milk shake, shake, and turn myself about

A version from c. 1891 from the boondocks of Golspie in Scotland was published by Edward W. B. Nicholson:

Hilli ballu ballai!
Hilli ballu ballight!
Hilli ballu ballai!
Upon a Saturday night.
Put all your right feet out,
Put all your left feet in,
Turn them a fiddling, a little,
And turn yourselves nearly.[half-dozen]

In the book English Folk-Rhymes, published 1892, a version of the song originating from Sheffield is given:

Can yous dance looby, looby,
Can y'all dance looby, looby,
Tin can yous trip the light fantastic toe looby, looby,
All on a Friday night?
Yous put your right pes in;
And then you accept information technology out,
And wag it, and wag it, and wag information technology,
Then turn and turn nigh.[7]

Some early versions of this vocal thus bear witness a marked resemblance to the modernistic vocal Looby Loo, and the songs take been described every bit having a common origin.[8]

In the volume Charming Talks nigh People and Places, published circa 1900,[ix] there is a song with music on page 163 entitled "Plow The Right Manus In". It has ix verses, which run thus: "Turn the right mitt in, turn the correct mitt out, give your easily a very good milkshake, and turn your trunk around." Additional verses include v2. left manus...; v3. both hands...; v4. right foot...; v5. left pes...; v6. both feet...; v7. right cheek...; v8. left cheek...; and, v9. both cheeks... The tune is not the same as the later popular version of the Hokey cokey but the poetry is more similar as information technology states to "plough your body around." No author or composer was credited.

In recent times various other claims nigh the origins of the song have arisen, though they are all contradicted past the publication history. According to one such account,[10] in 1940, during the Rush in London, a Canadian officer suggested to Al Tabor, a British bandleader of the 1920s–1940s, that he write a political party song with actions similar to "Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree". The inspiration for the vocal'southward championship that resulted, "The Hokey Pokey", supposedly came from an ice cream vendor whom Tabor had heard as a boy, calling out, "Hokey pokey penny a lump. Take a lick brand you jump". A well known lyricist/songwriter/music publisher of the time, Jimmy Kennedy, reneged on a financial agreement to promote and publish information technology, and finally Tabor settled out of court, giving upwards all rights to the number.

In 2008, an Anglican cleric, Canon Matthew Damon, Provost of Wakefield Cathedral, West Yorkshire, claimed that the trip the light fantastic movements were a parody of the traditional Catholic Latin Mass.[11] Up until the reforms of Vatican 2, the priest performed his movements facing the altar rather than the congregation, who could not hear the words very well, nor sympathize the Latin, nor clearly see his movements. At i point the priest would say "Hoc est corpus meum" pregnant "This is My body". That theory led Scottish political leader Michael Matheson in 2008 to urge police force action "against individuals who apply information technology [the vocal and trip the light fantastic toe] to taunt Catholics". Matheson'southward claim was deemed ridiculous by fans from both sides of the Old House (the rival Glasgow football teams Celtic and Rangers) and calls were fabricated on fans' forums for both sides to join together to sing the vocal on 27 December 2008 at Ibrox Stadium.[12] Close relatives of Jimmy Kennedy and Al Tabor have publicly stated their recollections of the origin and pregnant of the Hokey Cokey, and take denied its connectedness to the Mass.[13] [14] Those accounts differ, but they are all contradicted past the fact that the song existed and was published decades before its supposed composition in the 1940s.

Dance across the earth [edit]

Australia [edit]

In Australia the trip the light fantastic is unremarkably known as the "hokey pokey".[15]

Denmark [edit]

More often than not performed in the British style of the dance, it is known every bit the "boogie woogie" (pronounced ).[xvi]

Germany [edit]

Performed mainly in the carnival in a variation of the British mode of the trip the light fantastic, it is known as "Rucki-Zucki".

New Zealand [edit]

In New Zealand, the dance is usually known as the "hokey tokey",[17] [18] or the "hokey cokey" considering hokey pokey is the usual term for honeycomb toffee.[xix]

U.k. [edit]

Known as the "hokey cokey", the vocal and accompanying dance peaked in popularity as a music hall song and novelty dance in the mid-1940s in United kingdom.

At that place is a merits of authorship by the British/Irish gaelic songwriter Jimmy Kennedy, responsible for the lyrics to popular songs such equally the wartime "We're Going to Hang out the Washing on the Siegfried Line" and the children'southward song "Teddy Bears' Picnic". Canvass music copyrighted in 1942 and published by Campbell Connelly & Co Ltd, agents for Kennedy Music Co Ltd, styles the song as "the Cokey Cokey".[xx]

In the 1973 Thames Tv documentary, May I Have the Pleasance?, well-nigh the Hammersmith Palais de Danse, Lou Preager comments on how his was the starting time band to record the 'Okey Cokey'.

EMI Gold released a Monsta Brew CD featuring the "Monsta Hokey Cokey" written and produced by Steve Deakin-Davies of "The Ambition Visitor".

The song was used past comedian Nib Bailey during his "Part Troll" tour, however it was reworked by Bailey into a style of the High german electronic group Kraftwerk, including quasi-High german lyrics and Kraftwerk'southward signature robotic dance moves.[21]

The one-act act Ida Barr, a fictional East End pensioner who mashes up music hall songs with rap numbers, virtually always finishes her shows with the hokey cokey, performed over a thumping RnB bankroll. Ida Barr is performed past a British comedian Christopher Light-green.

U.s. [edit]

Known every bit the "hokey pokey", it became popular in the US in the 1950s. Its originator in the US is debatable:

  • Larry LaPrise, Charles Macak, and Tafit Bakery of the musical group the Ram Trio, better known as the Sun Valley Trio, recorded the song in 1948 and it was released in 1950.[22] They take generally been credited with creating this novelty dance as entertainment for the ski oversupply at the Sun Valley, Idaho resort.
  • Still, two club musicians from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Robert Degen and Joseph P. Bramble, had previously copyrighted a very like song, "The Hokey Pokey Dance", in 1944.[22] (One account says that copyright was granted in 1946.)[23] According to Degan's son in The New York Times, Degan and Brier wrote the song while playing for the summer at a resort near the Delaware Water Gap.[22] Degan resided at Richmond Place Rehabilitation and Wellness Middle in Lexington, Kentucky, until he died on November 23, 2009, aged 104.[23]
  • Degen and Brier, who died in 1991, sued the members of the Ram Trio, and several record companies and music publishers for copyright infringement, demanding $200,000 in amercement and $1 for each record of the LaPrise "Hokey Pokey". The suit was settled out of court. LaPrise after sold the rights to his version to country-western music star Roy Acuff's Nashville publishing company, Acuff-Rose Music; that visitor was sold to Sony/ATV Music Publishing in 2002.[22]
  • A competing authorship claim is made by or on behalf of British bandleader Gerry Hoey from around 1940, under the title "The Hoey Oka".[ commendation needed ]

In 1953, Ray Anthony's large band recording of the song turned it into a nationwide awareness. The distinctive vocal was past singer Jo Ann Greer, who simultaneously sang with the Les Brown band and dubbed the singing voices for such film stars as Rita Hayworth, Kim Novak, June Allyson, and Esther Williams. (She also charted with Anthony afterward the same year with the song "Wild Horses".)

In 1978, Mike Stanglin produced a "skating version" of the Hokey Pokey, for use in skating rinks.[24] [25]

Trip the light fantastic moves [edit]

U.k. and Ireland style of dance [edit]

The didactics prepare goes every bit follows:

You put your [left arm] in,
Your [left arm] out:
You put your [left arm] in
And you lot shake it all almost.
You practise the hokey cokey,
And y'all turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

On "You do the hokey cokey", each participant joins their right and left hands at the fingertips to make a chevron and rocks the chevron from side to side. After that the participants separately, only in time with the others, turn around (unremarkably clockwise when viewed from in a higher place – novices may get in the opposite management to the chief group, but this adds more hilarity to this joyous, novelty dance). The hands are either still joined together, or moved as in a jogging move – dependent on local tradition or private option.

Each instruction set up is followed by a chorus, entirely different from other parts of the globe. There is either a caller, within or outside the grouping, or the instructions are called by the whole group – which tin add together to confusion and is laughed off every bit part of the dance's charm and amusement.

Whoa, hokey cokey cokey
Whoa, hokey cokey cokey
Whoa, hokey cokey cokey
Knees bend, artillery stretch,
Rah, rah, rah!

The starting time 3 lines of this chorus are sometimes rendered 'Whoa, the hokey cokey', with the 'whoa' lasting three beats instead of 2. It can too be said "Whoa, the hokey cokey cokey".

For this chorus all participants stand in a circle and concord hands: on each "Whoa" they raise their joined hands in the air and run in toward the eye of the circle, and on "...the hokey cokey" they run backwards out again. This instruction and chorus are repeated for the other limb, then for the upper right, then upper left arm. Either the upper or lower limbs may showtime commencement, and either left or correct, depending on local tradition, or by random choice on the night. On the penultimate line they curve knees and so stretch arms, equally indicated, and on "Rah, rah, rah!" they either clap in time or heighten arms in a higher place their heads and push button upwards in time. Sometimes each subsequent verse and chorus is a little faster and louder, with the ultimate aim of making people chaotically come across each other in gleeful abandon. There is a final instruction fix with "you put your whole self in, etc", cramming the centre of the dance floor.

Often, the final chorus is sung twice, the second time fifty-fifty faster and the vocal ended with the joyous dirge, 'yeah tiddly aye tie, brown bread!'.

U.s. style of dance [edit]

The dance follows the instructions given in the lyrics of the vocal, which may be prompted past a bandleader, a participant, or a recording. A sample instruction sequence would be:

Yous put your [right leg] in,
You put your [correct leg] out;
Yous put your [right leg] in,
And you shake information technology all nearly.
You do the hokey pokey,
And you lot plow yourself around.
That's what information technology's all virtually! Aye!

Participants stand up in a circumvolve. On "in" they put the appropriate body function in the circle, and on "out" they put it out of the circle. On "And y'all milk shake information technology all about", the torso part is shaken three times (on "shake", "all", and "-bout", respectively). Throughout "You do the hokey pokey, / And yous turn yourself around", the participants spin in a complete circle with the arms raised at ninety° angles and the index fingers pointed up, shaking their arms up and downwards and their hips side to side 7 times (on "do", "hoke-", "poke-", "and", "turn", "-self", and "-round" respectively). For the final "That's what it's all almost", the participants clap with their hands out once on "that's" and "what" each, clap under the knee with the leg lifted up on "all", handclapping behind the back on "a-", and finally one more clap with the artillery out on "-tour".

The body parts usually included are, in gild, "right foot", "left pes", "right mitt", "left mitt", "head", "buttocks" (or "behind"), fingers, toes and "whole self"; the torso parts "correct elbow", "left elbow", "right hip", and "left hip" are often included as well.

The last verse goes:

You exercise the hokey pokey,
The hokey pokey,
The hokey pokey.
That's what it's all well-nigh! Yeah!

On each "pokey", the participants over again raise the arms at ninety° angles with the index fingers pointed up, shaking their arms up and down and their hips side to side v times.

Copyright [edit]

In the The states, Sony/ATV Music Publishing controls 100% of the publishing rights to the "hokey pokey."[26]

In popular culture [edit]

Ad [edit]

  • It was used in a 2005 Velveeta Salsa Dip commercial.
  • In a 1982 radio advert for Video 2000 by Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones, a character refers to a television called the "Hokey Cokey 2000".[27]
  • It was used in a 2019 Apple Watch commercial.

Comedy and humor [edit]

  • Comedian Jim Breuer performs the hokey pokey as he imagines it would exist interpreted by Air-conditioning/DC, commenting on the band'southward power to turn whatever vocal, no thing how mundane, into a stone anthem.[28]
  • Comedian Bill Bailey performed a Kraftwerk inspired version for his Function Troll tour.
  • There is a joke most when Larry LaPrise died, his family had trouble getting him into his bury ("they put his left leg in, and that's where the tragedy began…").[ citation needed ]

Music [edit]

(Alphabetical by group)

  • In 2003, Filipina actress Ai-Ai delas Alas did a Tagalog version of "Hokey Pokey", entitled Ang Tanging Ina which from the movie of the same championship and a TV series of the same championship.
  • In 2004, Nib Bailey performed a version of the "Hokey Kokey" in German and in the style of Kraftwerk, on his Role Troll tour.
  • In 1985, the British popular band Black Lace released their version of the vocal equally a single.
  • The horror-themed heavy metal ring Haunted Garage recorded a humorous hardcore punk version of the hokey pokey on their album Possession Park (1991).
  • The Canadian children's bands Judy and David (1993) and Sharon, Lois & Bram (1998) did covers.
  • In 1979, the rock group Slade released a version titled "Okey Cokey" as a single. Information technology did non chart only was afterwards included on the group'south EP Xmas Ear Bender (1980) and album Crackers: The Christmas Political party Album (1985).
  • In 1981, a band of uncredited musicians known equally The Snowmen had a #18 United kingdom hit with the song; there have been persistent unsubstantiated rumours that the vocalizer was Ian Dury,[29] notwithstanding it was session guitarist and singer Martin Kershaw, equally revealed by author Richard Balls in 2015.[30] Rudolph the Crimson-Nosed Reindeer is also played during the break.
  • In 1974 the UK vocalist Kristine Sparkle released her glam pop stone version as a single and on her first album.
  • Culling band The Three O'Clock used the roller skating version of the hokey cokey in the video for their vocal "Her Head'south Revolving." The video opens and ends with them doing the hokey cokey. It is available at YouTube.
  • In 2017, Jimmy Buffett released "What If the Hokey Pokey Is All It Really Is About?", on his album Far Side of the Earth. After listing all the ills and mysteries to which our modern world is prey, he imagines the solution in its simplest form: The Hokey Pokey.
  • The song 'Petty Sessions' from One-half Homo One-half Biscuit's 2008 anthology CSI:Ambleside is the Hokey Cokey with alternative satirical lyrics - the title being a pun on a grade of magistrate's court for minor public nuisance offences in England and Wales which had been abolished in 2004.

Sports [edit]

  • The Marching Virginians of Virginia Tech play this song (known equally the "Hokie Pokie" at Virginia Tech because of their mascot) between the third and fourth quarters at all Virginia Tech football games. Much of the crowd participates in the dance, as do the tubas during much of the vocal and the rest of the ring during the tuba feature. The song is likewise generally used equally the Marching Virginians' dance number in the first one-half-time field show of the yr, and an abbreviated version is played as a "Spirit Spot" (short song used between plays during the football game) after a large play.
  • The University of Iowa Hawkeye football game team, under coach Hayden Fry, used to perform the hokey pokey afterward particularly impressive victories, such as over Michigan and Ohio State. On September three, 2010, a crowd of 7,384 – with Fry nowadays – performed the hokey pokey in Coralville, Iowa, establishing a new world record.[31]

Boob tube [edit]

  • The BBC Boob tube comedy serial 'Allo 'Allo! showed one of its characters (Herr Otto Pic) demonstrating a variation of the hokey cokey in an episode from season 3. Beingness a Gestapo officer the lyrics are changed to reflect his sinister nature, as follows:
You put your left boot in
You take your left boot out
Y'all do a lot of shouting
And you shake your fist about
You light a little smokey
And you burn down the town
That's what it's all near
Aah, Himmler Himmler Himmler—
  • In the Arthur episode "All-time of the Nest", Francine remarks that the simply way to scare off a bear is to do the Hokey-Pokey. Binky claims that it'southward stupid, but when a bear attacks the camp, Binky and his friends showtime doing the Hokey-Pokey.
  • In the Babylon 5 episode "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I", the Centauri Administrator, Londo Mollari refers to the song every bit further bear witness of the incomprehensible nature of human culture.
  • In the Full House episode "Greek Week", Papouli says that according to Pompadoras tradition, getting married consists of "giving a girl flowers, walking around the table, and that's what it'south all about". Danny Tanner replies to this annotate past maxim, "That'southward not a wedding ceremony. That'due south the Hokey-Pokey."
  • Pinkie Pie performs a variation of the hokey cokey, titled "The Pony Pokey", in the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode "The Best Night Ever".
  • In the Pee-wee's Playhouse episode "Party", Pee-wee Herman and his playhouse visitors perform this trip the light fantastic toe.
  • In the Sesame Street segment Elmo's World, the hokey pokey was performed on The Dancing Aqueduct in the episode, "Dancing".
  • In the episode "Chinga" (5×10) of the Television series The X-Files, the vocal is featured at multiple times during the episode.
  • The song was too featured on The Backyardigans in the "Cavern Political party" episode.
  • On a May 16, 2019, episode of The Tonight Evidence starring Jimmy Fallon, host Jimmy Fallon and radio personality Howard Stern danced the hokey pokey in a Times Square billboard in front of a crowd in New York Urban center.
  • The song was featured in BBC'southward Wartime Farm episode 8, showing the characteristic choreography.
  • In the Count Duckula episode "Dead Middle Duck", the shoot-out takes place at the Okay Kokay Corral, which is an obvious pun on the O.K. Corral as well as this dance.
  • In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Intervention", Giles performs a ritual with elements similar to the Hokey-pokey. Buffy remarks: "I know this ritual! The ancient shamans were next chosen upon to practise the hokey-pokey and plough themselves effectually." After the ritual, she adds, "And that'due south what it'south all about."
  • A portion of the song was danced by the Bay of Pigswatch bandage in Muppets Tonight episode 204.
  • In the final episode of Bojack Horseman, "Squeamish While Information technology Lasted", Todd Chavez and Bojack Horseman discuss the meaning of life by using the Hokey-Pokey as a metaphor. Todd observes that most people call back the song (and life) is nearly 'the Hokey-Pokey', where as he believes differently and observes "It'south like the vocal says. You practise the Hokey-Pokey and you turn yourself around. 'You turn yourself around!'; that'southward what information technology's all virtually!" - Implying that life isn't well-nigh 'the Hokey-Pokey' parts of life, but that it'due south about making changes and fixing mistakes. Bojack Horseman gives fiddling credit to the song and quips "Yeah, I don't know if the song writers put that much idea into the existential significance of the lyrics; they literally rhyme 'well-nigh' with 'nearly'."

Pic [edit]

  • The 1947 British film Frieda features a group of dancers in a trip the light fantastic toe hall sining and performing the hokey cokey.
  • In the 1988 motion picture Cherry-red 2000, the Hokey Pokey is performed past the fanatical followers of the film's adversary Lester (Tim Thomerson) after he murders a tracker.

Video games [edit]

In the video game Constructor (1997), the Thief in the Pawn Shop tin be heard mentioning a figurer called the "Hokey Cokey 2000".

Other uses [edit]

The Washington Post has a weekly contest called The Fashion Invitational. One contest asked readers to submit "instructions" for something (anything), but written in the style of a famous person. The popular winning entry was "The Hokey Pokey (equally written by William Shakespeare)", by Jeff Brechlin, Potomac Falls, and submitted past Katherine St. John.[ citation needed ]

References [edit]

  1. ^ McAlpine, Fraser (March 2012). "Fraser's Phrases: The Curious History of the 'Hokey Cokey'". BBC America . Retrieved 29 November 2018.
  2. ^ Andrews, Edward (1960) [First published 1940]. The Gift to be Uncomplicated: Songs, Dances and Rituals of the American Shakers . ISBN978-0-486-20022-four.
  3. ^ Chambers, Robert. Pop Rhymes of Scotland, second Edition (1842).
  4. ^ Andrews, Edward (1960) [Start published 1940]. The Gift to exist Simple: Songs, Dances and Rituals of the American Shakers . p. 42. ISBN978-0-486-20022-four.
  5. ^ Smith, Caroline L. (1872). American Home Book of Indoor Games, Recreations & Occupations. Boston: Lee & Shepard. pp. 156–157. hdl:2027/hvd.hn287l.
  6. ^ Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron. Golspie: Contributions to Its Sociology.
  7. ^ Northall, G. F. English language Folk-Rhymes: A collection of traditional verses relating to places and persons, customs, superstitions, etc. 1892. p. 361
  8. ^ English language Trip the light fantastic toe and Song. English Folk Dance and Song Order. 1966.
  9. ^ Copyright is estimated at 1898–1900 as title page is missing. The book lists Queen Victoria as still living and Grover Cleveland simply completing his second term in office, which ended in 1897.
  10. ^ MacDonald, Stuart (2009-01-xi). "Hokey Cokey no Catholic dig". The Times. London. Retrieved 2010-05-04 .
  11. ^ McAlpine, Fraser. "Fraser's Phrases: The Curious History Of 'The Hokey Cokey'". BBC America. New Video Aqueduct America. Retrieved 2019-xi-21 .
  12. ^ Cramb, Auslan (21 Dec 2008). "Doing the Hokey Cokey 'could be hate crime'". Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 27 February 2016.
  13. ^ ""Canada's Hokey Pokey cause of England dust upwardly", canada.com". Archived from the original on 30 January 2009. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  14. ^ Alphabetic character to the editor, "Hokey Cokey: no Cosmic dig – Grandson of the writer defends song confronting claims that it is anti-Cosmic, saying it is based on a phrase about ice cream", The Times (London, U.k.)
  15. ^ "Fraser's Phrases: The Curious History Of 'The Hokey Cokey' - BBC America". Bbcamerica.com.
  16. ^ "Do the boogy woogy". Copenhannah.wordpress.com. 21 January 2011.
  17. ^ "Ball at Otakiri". Bay of Plenty Beacon. 14 September 1945. Retrieved 7 August 2017.
  18. ^ Griffiths, John (2008). "Popular culture and modernity: dancing in New Zealand guild 1920-1945". Journal of Social History. 41 (3): 611. doi:10.1353/jsh.2008.0042. Retrieved 26 January 2017.
  19. ^ "Hokey Pokey", Recipe, Evening Postal service, 1927
  20. ^ Lloyd, John; John Mitchinson (2007-08-07). The Book of Full general Ignorance . Random House Digital, Inc. p. 229. ISBN978-0-307-39491-0.
  21. ^ "Beak Bailey – Kraftwerk – Part Troll". YouTube. 2004. Archived from the original on 2021-12-21. Retrieved 2 January 2013.
  22. ^ a b c d Weber, Bruce (December 3, 2009). "Robert Degen, Who Had a Hand in the Hokey Pokey, Dies at 104". The New York Times.
  23. ^ a b DuPuis 2, Roger (November 27, 2009). "Scranton native credited with writing famed 'Hokey Pokey' dies at 104". The Times-Tribune. Scranton, Pennsylvania.
  24. ^ "Roller skating and the Hokey Pokey- who did this version?". Inthe00s.com . Retrieved 2017-10-22 .
  25. ^ Burnett, John; Maeckle, Monika (1979). "Loftier ROLLERS". D Mag . Retrieved 2017-ten-22 .
  26. ^ Weber, Bruce (3 December 2009). "Robert Degen's New York Times obituary". The New York Times.
  27. ^ "Philips Radio Commercial: Firips", History of Advert Trust
  28. ^ "Jim Breuer'south Famous Air conditioning/DC 'Hokey Pokey' Impression Is Hilariously Awesome". Societyofrock.com.
  29. ^ Richard Assurance, Be Potent The Stiff Records Story, Soundcheck Books, London 2014, p. 253
  30. ^ Snowman clandestine revealed on The Stiff Records Story website, 20 December 2015
  31. ^ "FryFest Breaks Hokey Pokey Earth Record". KCRG-Tv set. Archived from the original on 2010-09-05. Retrieved 2010-09-05 .

External links [edit]

  • Deezen, Eddie. "The Ambiguous Origins of the Hokey Pokey". Mental Floss.
  • NIEHS. "Hokey Pokey". National Institute of Environmental Health Services. U.Due south. Archived from the original on 2004-eleven-02. Printed lyrics with synthesized music (no sung lyrics), with U.Southward. copyright data (audio plays automatically).
  • Padden, Kathy. "The Origin of the Hokey Pokey". Today I found Out.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hokey_Cokey

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